In the ever-evolving world of dental marketing, targeting new movers or residents in growing subdivisions and neighborhoods requires a thoughtful approach. While traditional mailers have been a go-to strategy in the past, there are more cost-effective and impactful methods to connect with potential patients in these areas. Here are some tips to help dentists market effectively to this demographic:

  1. Embrace the Power of Video Ads on Social Media: Traditional mailers can be expensive and often overlooked by recipients. Instead of investing in costly mailers that target a broad audience, consider harnessing the power of video ads on social media platforms within the specific community you want to reach. The key advantage here is cost-effectiveness, as you can create highly targeted campaigns that reach the right people without breaking the bank. Social media platforms offer precise targeting options, allowing you to focus on new movers and local homeowners in your desired area.

  2. Provide Compelling Reasons to Choose Your Dental Practice: To attract and retain new patients, whether through Google Ads or social media campaigns, it's crucial to understand what they're looking for. Offer an enticing incentive for them to choose your dental practice, such as a low-cost first appointment. However, be cautious not to position yourself as a "cheap" option. Highlight your unique selling proposition (USP) and key selling points, such as advanced technology, experienced staff, or a commitment to patient comfort. When creating video ads, adopt a casual and friendly tone to convey a warm and welcoming vibe, making potential patients feel comfortable and valued.

  3. Personalized Outreach for New Movers: If you're keen on targeting new movers specifically, consider sending personalized letters to the new homeowners in your community. Generating this list is relatively easy using real estate websites and conducting a simple search. However, keep in mind that individuals settling into new homes may not be actively seeking a new dentist right away. To stay on their radar, send them a series of at least three letters with a compelling offer included. This gradual approach allows you to build a connection and increase the likelihood that they will choose your practice when the need arises.

In conclusion, as a dentist, it's essential to adapt your marketing strategies to align with the changing landscape and the preferences of your target audience. Traditional mailers are costly and less effective, especially when targeting new movers and growing communities. By leveraging the power of video ads on social media, offering appealing incentives, and personalizing your outreach efforts, you can successfully market your dental practice to new movers and residents in burgeoning neighborhoods, helping your practice thrive in these dynamic environments.