Using the login credentials Identity Dental has provided you with, log In to your Wordpress Website
- Enter the following into your browser search bar
- https://<>/wp-admin
- Replace <> With your website URL
- Enter your username and password

Types of Content to Edit
- You will see the Wordpress Dashboard with many buttons on the left.
- There are two types of content you can edit. Pages and Posts
- Posts are for the blog posts
- Pages are pages that are throughout your website
- Click on Pages to access a full list of pages that are on your website
- Click on Posts to access a full list of blog posts that are on your website, or scheduled to post to your website

Editing Posts or Pages on Website
- The process of editing posts and pages are the same. The only difference is the button you need to click in order to access either one
- Click on either posts or pages
- Clicking on either, will show you a full list of the posts or pages that are on the website

- From here, you can hover on the page you would like to edit and click 'Edit'

- Once you access the page you would like to edit, the rest is simple. Simply, click on any part of the content you would like to edit and start making your changes.
- If you would like to create another paragraph, click at the end of one of the existing paragraphs and click the ENTER button. This will allow you to start creating another paragraph of content on the page.

- Once you are completed with your changes, you can click the update button on the top right of the screen

- After your changed are updated, you can log out and visit the page, ensuring the content appears as you would like your visitors to see it.
If these instructions don’t work, send your change requests to
Please be specific and provide any images or text you’d like added and
where to add them.
If you’d like to set up a meeting to discuss more
complex change requests, please book that here: