Should I Use Google Ads Built-in Call Recording for My Practice?

When it comes to managing and optimizing your dental practice’s marketing efforts, Google Ads can be a powerful tool. One feature that might catch your eye is Google Ads’ built-in call recording. However, before you jump in, it's essential to consider whether this feature is right for your practice. Spoiler alert: The answer is likely no. Here’s why.

1. Google Ads Call Recording Is Not HIPAA Compliant

For dental practices, patient privacy and data security are paramount. Google has stated that its built-in call recording feature is not HIPAA compliant. This means that using this feature could potentially expose your practice to legal risks and violations of patient privacy laws. As a healthcare provider, ensuring that all patient interactions are secure and compliant with HIPAA regulations is critical.

2. Your Phone System Likely Already Has Call Recording

Most dental practices use phone systems that already include call recording features. These systems are often tailored to meet HIPAA compliance standards and are designed to integrate seamlessly with your practice’s workflow. If your phone system already offers this functionality, there’s no need to rely on Google Ads for call recording, which might expose you to unnecessary risks.

3. ROI Tracking will be Highly Inaccurate if Limited to Calls Exclusively

While phone calls are an important part of patient communication, many potential patients prefer to schedule appointments or ask questions through online forms or scheduling systems. Google Ads’ call recording feature does not track these online interactions, which means you might be missing out on valuable data regarding how patients are engaging with your practice online. It’s imperative to view calls, forms submissions, online scheduling requests together to assess the effectiveness of a campaign. Even with the latest AI technology and reporting, if you are not tracking all lead types, you will have deeply flawed data, which can lead to poor decision making. 


While Google Ads offers many useful features, its built-in call recording is not one of them—especially for dental practices that need to prioritize patient privacy and data security. Instead, rely on your existing phone system’s recording capabilities, and focus on tracking form submissions and online scheduling to get a fuller picture of your patients’ engagement. By doing so, you’ll be better equipped to optimize your practice’s marketing efforts and improve patient acquisition.